Just finally got my account adjusted the extra $150

. Many thanks to the thread starter. Heres what i had to do, i first called sprint last week after i read this thread and was told to call back on October 1st, however after seeing the article on BGR i was like what the hell can't hurt to try today just in case tomorrow they don't actually lower the price. So i called a couple of minutes ago and got transferred 3 times finally i told them to transfer me to retentions. When i got to retentions i spoke to a nice young lady and told her about the phone being offered at $199 by verizon. She said she would see what she could do about it. She put me on hold and came back minutes later and gave me the generic i'm sorrry but we can't price match furthermore or plans are cheaper yada ya ya line they are taught to tell. So i told her i will close my account as i know people who called in and got their account credited the difference. She then asked if it was through a supervisor and i told her i didn't know all i know is that they got it for $199. She then told me she would speak to her Supervisor and waa laa they agreed to give it to me at verizon's price and it should be updated in my account in 24 hours.
Keyword for you guys that want it done is retentions, supervisor, verizon price, you know people on sprint who have gotten it for that price so why not you.
Thanks again to the thread starter.