Re: How do you like your treo pro?
My Treo Pro is awesome, I love it. Previously I had a Treo 700wx, which was one of the best phones I've used, then I upgraded to the Treo 800 (was bettter than 700wx, too many problems though, they discontinued the model), once Sprint couldn't fix the Treo 800 anymore, they upgraded me to the Treo Pro, and now the 700wx feels like it was made in the 70's! It's very customizable so you wont get bored. The standard programs work great. Comes standard with a backup program (Sprite, plus syncs flawlessly with Windows XP) so you never loose any info. Can download tons of freeware to make things even more interesting. The device combined with the freeware additions, you pretty much can do everything the latest Palm can do (minus the user interface of the webOS) so you dont have to keep upgrading every year something bigger and better comes out (even though you will be tempted too!). If you use a PC, it pretty much can almost do all of the functions except make Powerpoints (could pay for a program if you really wanted too).
My 2 cents.