Originally Posted by iansinger
Well I put a Topram 4GIG in and the phone recognizes it but the camera does not.
Then upgraded to WM6 with the SDHC drivers and same problem.
Card is going back to be replaced but has to go to Taiwan when it was shipped to me out of US.
So when people say it works does it work with the camera?? My camera is Version 3.00 (Build 22844)
Perhaps some people know why (something to do with the basic SD spec), the native camera has never been able to save to storage cards with more than 2GB of available space. Thus, an empty 4GB card won't be seen by the camera. If you half-fill that card with other files and bring the free space below 2 gigs, then the camera will write to it fine. The behavior you describe seems normal for functioning 4GB non-HC cards.