::::::just in time for that highly anticipated(and way late) official rom update from sprint.:::::::::::::::::
It is a fully automated cab file to completely
remove and replace the stock
HTC_CM_Guardian.exe with a dummy file.
it should work on any HTC device, but let me know your mileage.
***Please terminate any active data connection before running***
**this will reboot the phone when finished.
more info; (htc_CM(carrier modifications)_guardian(prevents change)
HTC_CM_Guardian is process locked into stock HTC roms (carrier specific???)
this process appears to only monitor certain registry/phone settings, reverting any change back to factory default.
removing this file is futile as another HTC file will regenerate this one, however if it is replaced with a dummy file the system cannot execute and the watcher thinks it exists.
'Killing' this process saves memory and lets you tweak to your hearts content.
this cab will kill the already running process, replace it with a dummy file, and reboot when finished.
Originally Posted by shaggylive
if you get the message
'R.I.P. HTC_CM_Guardian" followed by a reboot, then my Killer worked.
it should work no matter where you install it, but ymmv.
there is an error message if it does not work.
also uninstalling my cab will not revert the change it makes.
you can uninstall, but the dummy file will remain.
to revert (not sure why) just delete the dummy file from \windows
UPDATE 3/11/10; finally updated to include disabling resproxy. feedback/testing needed.

the CMProxy killer is all inclusive, the cmkiller is left for those who may want it.
update 3-24-10; by all reports the sprint 6.5 rom only needs the reg edit, however replacing the file provides peace of mind. either cab will still work, one does just the cmguardian, and the other does both cmguardian and the resproxy