Originally Posted by poktangju
hey i'm also having a problem registering for your site vega. could u manually activate potangju? thx
I just got off the phone with the person that houses the server. He said that the server is working fine. It people aren't getting the emails, it's either their mail server or their spam filter settings. We just tested 20 emails to different email domains and I was able to retrieve them all. I even practice regged on my site and I received the email as well. I can't activate this for you right now as I can't access the site at the minute (Sprint's DNS sucks ass, won't let me access my own site..lol) but I'll try to remember when I am able to get back on.
-= MeGa =-
Yes, I have closed my site and I'm in the process of moving. I do have all of my themes still and will upload them on request here. The best part about the themes is they were perfectly on Windows 6.5 Romz.