Originally Posted by dibara2003
I had 3 replacements w/o HTC on it and I got one that said HTC. They felt the same to me, but obviously I kept the one that said HTC :P
I did read that someone's refurbed back panel was peeling although I've never had a problem.
i just kept both backs. i didn't send the back last time and they never said anything. if they say something this time, i'll say "oops!"
Originally Posted by dibara2003
My original (purchased on release day) had a matte finish and out of the 4 refurbished phones I had, only 1 had the shiny keyboard... i hated that one.
yeah, i like this matte one a lot better than the two glossy ones i had
Originally Posted by dibara2003
BTW, my refurbishment date is 8/20 and the phone had 2 minutes of calls. Do you have the squeaky back cover or a yellow tinted screen on your refurbed unit? Both things are bothering me, but idk if they'll replace a phone for that.
the back was squeaky on the last two i had but not this latest one.
and i'm colorblind but the wife says that the screen doesn't have a yellow tint, so that's good too