Originally Posted by strra
one weird thing though, the back is different. for one, it doesn't say HTC on it and the paint feels softer... almost tacky... as if they repainted it with a different paint. i'll use it for a bit but i feel like this paint won't last long.
I had 3 replacements w/o HTC on it and I got one that said HTC. They felt the same to me, but obviously I kept the one that said HTC :P
I did read that someone's refurbed back panel was peeling although I've never had a problem.
Originally Posted by strra
another difference i must point out is that the keyboard is different than my original and my first replacement. while those had a gloss finish, this one has a matte finish and has a bit more feedback in the touch.... i like it better, actually...
anyone have any info on this?
My original (purchased on release day) had a matte finish and out of the 4 refurbished phones I had, only 1 had the shiny keyboard... i hated that one.
BTW, my refurbishment date is 8/20 and the phone had 2 minutes of calls. Do you have the squeaky back cover or a yellow tinted screen on your refurbed unit? Both things are bothering me, but idk if they'll replace a phone for that.