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Old 09-29-2009, 09:28 PM
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Re: I need a crash course

Well, I've been through almost every rom I have come across. I really like Silence's but the Fn key is non functioning, Mighty and most of the others have apps in there that I don't particularly like. I know there are clean roms too, but I don't want to jump on something super clean. There are a few basic apps I like. Other then that, my only complaints are the reg edits and things already in there. I don't mind working around it, but I donno. I know I'm being picky. I know cooks cook their preferences. I've looked through most of the change logs, and they have some things in there that I like, but other things are just a waste of space for me. I have a archieve of cabs over here in my computer. lol

There are cabs in the windows folder? lol
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