Change Log:
LZX Core: changed autorun reg (should be fixed) and checkautorun link to wm6.5 compatible. Make sure to make the kitchen_config.txt changes in the core for wm6.5 as its set for wm6.1. Also, changed the 19716 service patches to be selectable and off by default.
Carriers: Changed vzw arcsoft settings for arcsoft 5 compatibility from arcsoft 3 as it was setup.
Drivers: Upgraded from diamond codecs (dshow, mhub, picture enchancement etc.) to tachi/rhodium base. It grew about 2mbs in size compressed.
To use autorun & sdautorun you need to make a user oem with your config.txt that will overwrite the one in kitchen with one such as
EXEC: \windows\SDAutoRun.exe
I'm not able to fully test as I don't use my apache anymore but it worked with youtube player over wifi so Im pretty sure the codecs are all working properly.
Make sure you add the zzzzzGwes_off pkg to your user oem and select it.
Bonus added a ppck QVGA basekit for aku 1.6.7 build 21054 which is supposed to be the final build of wm6.1. Xip is in the apache core
Build 21054 Qvga