Anybody knows is it possible to use RunCC to install cabs fron SD?Its like an autorun only designed for wm 6.5.I like this app because I can customize the background image.
Here is a sample that works for windows directory(when cabs added to .nbh)
control block/runcc.lua looks like this:
chk = oem.checkfileexist("
if chk == 1 then
runcc.addrun("RunExtra", "run", "
config_PT.txt looks like this:
CFG: \Windows\Config_AP.txt
I tryed to add this command
chk = oem.checkfileexist("
\\Storage Card\\MyCabs.txt")
if chk == 1 then
runcc.addrun("RunCustomer", "run", "
\\Storage Card\\MyCabs.txt")
Created MyCabs.txt and put it to my SD card.And of course it didnt worked lol
Any suggestions?
Nevermind,I figured it out.I forgot to redirect mycabs.txt to windows\config.txt
Also is there any way to skip time and date setup after screen alignment?