Originally Posted by Kolano
Just noticed that the Disable Data option for Verizon Wireless...
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections\Data Network Connection]
...doesn't seem to be working, at least on the latest Kitchen ROM. I believe I had to use .provxml files to disable data connection in past kitchens.
That's another thing I'll have to work on. The name for the verizon connection changed in the recent carrier OEM's so I'll have to dig through and find them. It is possible to disable it using a reg entry but you just need the exact name used in their provxml.
Originally Posted by Wizzard
I don't seem to be able to get my sprint mail (the only one I set) to migrate to the phone either. The device ID I set does not seem to transfer either. The other settings seem to work and I love the fact that I can take a CAB and make an OEM out of it!!!!!
Pure Magic, Thanks Tiermann
I'll look into the device ID setting. I should be able to fix that easily. Most likely the key is just in a different place in WM6 as opposed to WM5 so I should be able to have OEMizer add both strings without any side effects if the old key is just being ignored anyway now. As for the sprint mail, I'll have to check that out too. Results seem kind of split right now. The new pop3 provxml's it's generating seem to work for some people but not others.
Thanks for being patient, all