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Old 09-28-2009, 08:52 PM
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Your DREAM cab wishlist thread

I made this thread before in a forum long long ago and far far away about my previous device and it led to several people getting what they thought was not possible on their phones at the time. For a real life example, years ago, I wanted software that would turn my WM2003 phone into a wifi router, and someone posted an early beta for WMwifirouter that I thought was way ahead of its time.

Basically, what are your dream applications and adjustment cabs? What would you really LOVE to do with your phone, but you think it's not possible and/or won't be for several years.

Please note: This is not a wishlist or a place to post so you don't have to use the SEARCH function of this website or XDA. This is a DREAM wishlist; post about things you'd love to have, have searched long and hard for it with no avail, or just plain don't think it exists today.

We previously posted by number, so it was easier to find answers if there were any. Please, don't forget to hit the THANKS buttons for anyone that answers your dream...

1. Share WM folders over a wifi network
2. Xbox live app that shows you which friends are online and what they are doing
3. Banking app that updates your banking information from all your accounts to one or a few screens
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