Originally Posted by Dragon2
this is the reason im keeping my wonderfull tp2 flash free.... right now i have 0 bugs and there are plenty of customizations to do without unlocking and flashing.
Originally Posted by jimecm
I agree man, at least not for awhile for me till most of the bugs r fixed in the roms
I don't understand what you guys mean. any custom rom thats built for stability will be far more stable and preserve more battery life then the stock rom. (ex: stock tp1 rom vs. mighty rom 6, mighty rom 6 is by far a better rom then the sprint tp1 stock rom) Now of course if you're building or using a rom thats using something beta like manilla 2.5 for example, then of course that rom will be buggy because its using a version of software that hasn't been released yet. But when the unlocker is here any custom rom built using manilla 2.1 will be better then the stock rom, unless of course the cook is an idiot.