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Old 11-12-2007, 11:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Jeff_Birt View Post
I did some more searching and learned that it was only necessary to obtain the CID from the phone and make a corresponding prj file for the Helmi WM6 kitchen. See this thread:

Old_Man_Jenkins: If you could unlock and copy your Embarq extended ROM that would be cool. luv2chill said that if it were uploaded to the FTP he would take a peek at it and see what might differ from Sprint.

Jeff, when you flashed to wm6, did you overwrite your EXT ROM? If not, you should still have the original Embarq EXT ROM.

I do not have an Embarq 6700, I have Sprint.....but I work for Embarq & know some co-workers that have it. I'd have to ask nicely to see if they'd let me copy it.
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