Originally Posted by stormygal_indy
willysp -- Have you tried an earlier sys and got the same results? As an aside, I couldn't run the newer sys versions due to some app incompatibilities so settled back with 23017 (grabbed the sys from Calk's files)... 6.5 buttons at the top not bottom and things seem pretty stable.
Also if you're on a 6.5.1 rom, not all of the 6.5 taskbars are compatible and can cause odd issues.
Haven't yet been able to get text messaging working with any 6.5.1 SYS in the new VK (and have tried all of Calk's so far). But all was well with Calk's old kitchen and 23412 from reeseboy.
And yes, same problem even if I use stock WM 'plain' taskbars.