Re: 9/27/09 #intxROM Fidelity# -intx has gone 6.5.1! Released!-
So far it's not too bad for me...
Start-up is kinda sluggish, but after that it's good.
RAM sweeper froze two or three times while I was setting the phone up, but now that all my CABs installed, it seems fine.
Lumos is a bit twitchy for me, it brightens and dims seemingly randomly (I stay in the same light condition and it changes according to whats on the screen instead of following what kind of light I'm in)
Also... I was just wondering, what does reSTART do?
edit: How does one use turbo mode in Opera 9.7?
Last edited by tehxeno; 09-28-2009 at 10:17 AM.