Originally Posted by 1loudsvt
the sd card thing is extremely annoying but i have seen other people complain about it in the past few builds so must be MS up to something....i remember this happening when everyone started using 6.1 too...
Ya, it seems to be random. One thing you might try is removing your microsd, putting it in a card reader, and reformat it. That is the one thing I know i have done that not everyone has done. Maybe that is why mine works. (Make sure you backup your files first)
Originally Posted by brack21
Nagrom, I tried mapping the power button too, and it doesn't work either. Is there any other button that would work for file explorer?
I mapped Volume Up x3 and that worked. Unfortunately, it does mess with Volume Up... (Make sure you reset after applying it and make sure Mobile Magic is running. Another button mapping program I know of is AEButton (but I haven't used it).
Originally Posted by dpedlund
Nagrom, I have installed V2.8 and love what you have done here. My one problem is that a couple of my applications that I have purchased require a registration key tied to the Owner Name. There is no option to change or enter the owner name in settings. Can this be done by editing the registry? If so, where would I find it.
Thanks for all your work!=D>
Yeah, that is another thing MS screwed up.
In the meantime, remove the "Redirect" value in the following registry key:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\Owner] Or just enter your own info there.