Originally Posted by cyclical
I got passed from retentions to a supervisor's voicemail. The supervisor told me she couldn't do anything for me. On top of that I was also complaining that they refuse to give me the $100 mail in rebate because I ordered the phone from my wifes contract and activated it on my line. (Both lines are on the same account). The supervisor told me that I can't get the rebate because I did not have it activated on the line it was ordered from for 30 days, even though I renewed that contract for 2 years.
I told her that was not an acceptable answer, and that I had even just had a friend switch to sprint 2 weeks ago. I then asked for her supervisor, now I am waiting to talk to her supervisor. I will be called in 2-3 days, allegedly.
The whole contract renewal thing seems stupid. If I have an account with 2 phones on it, and I use the $150 credit for signing up for 2 years, but activate the phone on the other line who cares? The ultimate goal is for me to sign on the 2 year contract again.
rebate rules stipulate you have to have the phone on the same line for 30 consecutive days or else you're no longer eligible. if you didn't follow it then you're SOL if they don't want to give you your rebate money.