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Old 09-27-2009, 07:32 PM
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Re: |VICT|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** || Built Sep 20 ||Manila 2.1

Originally Posted by jmoropeza View Post
i love you! lol no seriously i worship your roms idk why htc doesnt hit u up and use ur roms as stock roms. will you have a leo rom for the diamond on the cdma diamond like you have for the rhodium anytime soon?
Probably won't happen unless someone ports over Manila 2.5. The native resolution of our Diamonds is different than the HTC Leo, so everything would have to be re-sized. He doesn't have to re-size it on the HTC Rhodium because it has the same native resolution. I think someone over at xda is working on a port, but its in early beta, maybe even alpha stage.

Originally Posted by cesium View Post
I most definitely am. Im losing an extra 10-20% over a day compared to before
Yeah this revision is definitely a battery drainer, but I found my battery life increase dramatically when Google mail implemented push mail. If you don't have push and want longer battery life, change the polling interval to 6 hours or so and you should see a nice increase in battery life.

The low battery life definitely has to do with the data connection and if you want, you can even use Diamond Tweak to disconnect data after x amount of inactivity. I usually set mine to 15 minutes.

I also think most of us are starting to experience failing batteries. The HTC Diamond has been out for a year now and use Lithium-ion batteries. Li-ion batteries are light and don't suffer from 'memory effect' BUT they do have horrible cycle life. Basically what I'm getting at is it is probably time for everyone to buy a new battery if you haven't done so already.
Phones, Past to Present: HTC Wizard, AT&T Samsung Blackjack, HTC Touch Diamond, HTC Evo 4G

Last edited by robsta; 09-27-2009 at 07:44 PM.
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