Originally Posted by Whotahn
Thanks alot bro. I'll give er a whirl some time later today. Got to work on the honey do list first! Thanks as always and great job!
You're too kind-just means I can color within the lines
root let me know that his clock will give you the clean home screen as it doesnt call for any info (call hist, etc) Since his clock is moveable, the cornerclock program will just make the clock smaller.
Originally Posted by shaolinsoldier79
I'm sure this has been talked about, but I cant find it, in the 1166 pages of this thread lol. so hear it goes. what is everyones ram at when running touch flo 3d, I want to use it so bad. but I've been sticking with titanium, with titanium im averaged out at about 30 mb free ram. with touch flo i go down to about 11mb free. and after letting it sit for a bit it goes down to 2 mb free. that dosent seem right to me..
I went to Settings-System-Memory and my Program Memory was @ 90MB and Storage (not Storage Card) was @ 300. Is this what you were looking for?