Originally Posted by denisk
I still think my argument about apple abusing the capitalist system wins...I guess both OS'es are good, but Apple sucks as a company, the end. No wait...damn... WM sucks arse for updates...I guess both companies suck. (Draw?)
Also, customization ftw, because I dont want to have the same phone as anyone else, and Im pretty happy with the speed im getting from my current rom, I could care less if the iPhone loads stuff .8 seconds faster..
you're still not getting it. You CAN customize an iphone....thats the point of jailbreaking....you can completley customize it, just like WinMo...you can customize wallpapers, icons, layout, sounds, and even put different UI's on it. God...I am really sick of the misinformation spreading around about the iphone. Lets be fair to both OS's and state the truth here people.
Edit: I will say tho WinMo allows greater flexibility with customization out of the box, while an iPhone requires a jailbreak. So in that sense, I can see your point.