Originally Posted by ACoolGuy
So here is my input on the dialer thing. I currently have the setting for suspendresume to #777. My issue is that sometimes on accidental calls I hit the Physical End Call button and it will crash and still be in the call. I end up just cutting my losses and soft reseting. Just FYI.
In your case where it's not the registry, the fix is easy-don't accidentally call anyone

jk. Seriously, I know it's a specific situation where you dont want the call to connect but waiting a second longer before you end the call should take care of it. The few times I've had this happen the crash sent me back to the Home screen. I was able to get back into the phone program via the Send key. Push it one time and wait, that did it for me. If I rushed it and pushed multiple buttons/keys the phone wouldn't play nice. Hope that saves you a soft reset or two.