Originally Posted by psycho_maniac
you really think they should be set to 0 on a stock rom? that is why i made the thread is for people with stock roms that dont really like to flash. since i flash i use like 10 regedits total.
Oh, My bad.
I had no idea you were referring to a Stock ROM.
In that case I guess I recommend:
Registry Settings For FATFS Disk Caching
this is where they are in the registry without using AdvConfig (+a few extra):
"CacheSize"=dword:00002000 (8192)
this is obsolete for WinCE 5.0+ but is kept for the possibility that a program or antiquated process could call on it. This is also the value that AdvConfig Changes
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Filters\f sreplxfilt]
"ReplStoreCacheSize"=dword:00004000 (16384) if sluggish after OS has been running for several hours... change to dword:00002000 (8192)
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Profiles\ FLASHDRV\FATFS]
"EnableDataCacheWarm"=dword:00000001 (I added this reg,seems to still work in 6.5)
"FatCacheSize"=dword:00000100 (256 = 256K)
"DataCacheSize"=dword:00000800 (2048 = 2MB)