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Old 09-25-2009, 07:14 PM
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Re: $3.65 + Registry Hack = TV Out

I know what you're trying to say, but you're wrong.

If the ground on the video cable matches up with the video output of the touch pro jack, then no matter how you swap connectors - you won't get video. Because the video out on the adapter, will always match up with the ground on the jack of the cable. In which case, you'd know because if you pull out the video cable a bit - then you might get a scratchy video signal.

It's happened to me and others, and there's a diagram on this thread that you can search for - which shows how the different brands match up. Some brands will match up successfully - others will not. If it's a legitimate IPOD video cable, it will work. Use other cables at your own risk.

If you still don't believe me, here's a source for the pinouts:

So if you used an Archos or Cowon cable (for example) you'd get a black screen no matter what.

Last edited by PolloLoco; 09-25-2009 at 07:17 PM.
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