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Old 09-25-2009, 07:03 PM
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Re: Mini Beta 5 ( One Cab Install)

Originally Posted by hamidxa View Post
Using Mighty Rom with WM 6.5 final on a Touch Pro, and was wondering if anyone else has the problem where when you slide out the keyboard to go into landscape mode, and then slide it back to switch to portrait mode, the screen goes white.

It's really annoying, and pretty much renders this browser useless for switching between the two modes. I am betting it has something to do with Esmertec JBed, and not sure if there's a workaround as Esmertec JBed is cooked into the Mighty ROM's...or then again it could be the version that comes with this cab...or then again it could just be a ubiquitous problem due to this being a beta....or

Im at a loss, can anyone help?
Same issue here, and it happens with a bunch of different versions of Esmertec. No doubt it's an annoying feature, and I agree it renders the browser almost worthless. I'd stick with Opera Mini 4.2 but it's been running very slow lately.
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