Originally Posted by djalbanian
Yea i did all that, and i just installed lumos and the maxx battery cab. So ill have to see if it gives me better results, what is really messed up is that i use the navigation alot and i use the bluetooth in my car to play some music, i guess that kills the battery cause i did it for about 30 minutes and it killed my batter by 65-70% in 30 minutes..in sss it wouldve been maximum 25%. Anyway i appreciate the help 3faces, also trying the nfs but being a noob on it and it dont seem to be working ill have to read further.
(looks left) (looks right) Ok Threefaces isn't around so maybe I can offer something
THIS helped me as well. Also dont get too hung up on the numbers, the drain is not consistent. I've dropped quickly to say 40% before then stayed there for awhile. Run the ROM for a few days and see what you get. And yes, GPS can be a battery toaster.