I`m definately going to be in line at Best Buy to get this on the 11th. I`m switching from Alltel to Sprint and its going to save my brother and I about $40 each to get the everything data family plan. Only bad thing is I won`t be able to use my Alltel branded touch pro is I want to. I probably keep it around to stay on top of winmo and maybe play around with cooking on something that I don`t have to worry about if it crashes out on me. This is going to be a lonnnng 3 weeks, it kin of takes me back to that pre launch.
I hope that now that it is on CDMA we can get a forum going on in here. I know its not actually a "pocket pc", but then again I wouldn`t consider a pre a "pocket pc" either just because it`s palm. There`s a lot of intrest in Android here it seems, and I personaly feel that if Redmond comes up short with winmo 7 then Android will become the new winmo.