Originally Posted by av8tr
I just dropped my 6700 and broke my screen. By accident. I just flashed it 2 days ago. Damn .
Is this phone (the Mogul) better than my 6700? Should I push to keep my 6700?
Hey guy me being from ppc hardcore fans my fisrt ppc was a 6700 i love it .. loved everything about it its a great phone but times change i got some connections in sprint so i got some girls to swap me the 6700 for a 6800 at first i was excited about the phone it has its good and its bad but its a very great phone i still have my 6800 i am now on the TOUCH and this is a phone i have no complaints about so if you can choose one go ahead there both great phone the only dif. in both phones one has keyboard other one doesnt but the great so anything else question doubts let me know i can help to my best in what i know about both phone