Please, please, please ignore my post about ##codes. It was a complete brain fart. ...they work fine without the need for a cab. This noob moment was brought to you by lack of sleep and weak coffee.
Originally Posted by Siq Mawsh
I don't think there is a fix for what you're describing. I just did a few tests to see what's up. On my Internet tab, putting the cursor in the search box did not pop up the onscreen keyboard. Texting in Manila and Winmo did not either. Entering a new contact Name did. Entering a new appointment didn't. When setting up a new email account, the keyboard was popped up and the cursor in the text box, but when I slid out the physical keyboard it went away.
Does the onscreen keyboard stay open when you're using the physical keyboard? In any situation where it's open, it will auto hide if I slide out the physical keyboard or start typing with it.