Originally Posted by Herbal954
hey, i just did a hardware reset on my VZW TP2. when i try to load ppcgeeks.com in opera mobile it loads about half the page and then crashes completely. In IE it loads a blank page, I spoke with a tech from VZW and he said that on his TP2 when he loads it in IE or in Opera he gets a blank page...anyone know whats going on or how to fix this?
Opera started doing this to me with various sites after I tried to install an Opera Flash Fix I found on XDA Developers.
It installed Flash in Opera all right. But it was slow and terrible unstable without other tweeks that were beyond my kung-fu. Even after reversing the program, Opera still crashed like mad. PPC Geeks in particular. About half way after loding the main page just as you described.
I was able to load directly to
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/ and skip the main page and it worked OK. But it was so unstable (even after an Opera re-install, that I did a hard reset.
It was bad Ju-Ju IMO.
Un-tweaked again, Opera is as stable as ever.
Good luck.