It's been more than 24 hours and this solution is still working fine for me. (2.16 ROM, using Effcmom instead of Comm Manager to switch BT. ) I can't offer a technical explanation for why this would work, but it does seem to be working.
Zero d-pad lockups. Zero BT disconnects. Zero systems freezes. The phone now wakes up and sounds alarms while charging. I can have conversations through the BT headset now. BT headset is usable -- a little muddy, not crystal clear, but not choppy like it was before. Possibly a different headset would work even better.
Free RAM has fallen to 18.64 megs, but that's without soft-resetting at all in over a day and not using Oxios or any similar memory-reclaiming utility at all -- just closing out programs.
If the situation holds, then this Mogul has pretty much finally become the device that I was expecting when I bought it. ... Hey, Sprint, hang onto that Touch for a few more days until further notice.
edit: Just ran Oxios now for the first time in this experiment, and it upped free RAM to 20.44. So far, it really seems like the memory leak has been somewhat abated with this 2.16 configuration vs. any other ROM that I've tried.
Last edited by veblen64; 11-11-2007 at 02:04 AM.