Originally Posted by winmobilelawyer
That's true, but I think I would prefer an up sliding treo-style qwerty keyboard. The whole switiching to landscape mode to type is kind of annoying, that not painful. And also I think a side sliding qwerty would definitely require the phone to be a bit larger, similar to the mogul.
On the contrary, I prefer the landscape mode. It is much better for surfing the 'Net. Why do you think computer screens are all horizontally rectangular and not veritically rectangular.
Besides, the landscape model allows more spacing between keys for easy typing....especially for those who have fat fingers.
Franky, I have the XV6700 and the size really does not bother me whatsoever. In my humble opinion, functionality is king. I will not give up functionality for size. Without functionality, the phone is nothing but a very expensive paper weight.