Originally Posted by PolloLoco
No you're wrong, ANY cable will not work. If the ground is in the wrong contact - then you won't get video - or you may get mono sound, regardless of how you connect the plugs.
If you make sure you get an ipod video compatible cable - it'll work. I got a retractible eforcity brand cable for $5. I also had an "ipod" cable I bought from a dollar store which didn't work - except with another adapter. So just make sure the cable's ACTUALLY ipod compatible - you want to make sure the pinouts match.
Well, what i said is in my experience, and believe me, i tried with a lot of cables, and every one of theme works, the cheaper and the expensive one, and all of them with stereo sound and nice quality of video the only thing that i did is mix the conectors... you are right in wath you say about the ground, but if the ground is in the wrong place, just change that conector to another one and try if that works... look picture one (nothing on the tv), just dont work with the properly connection of colors y/y w/w r/r, but look in the secund picture (look at the GRID of the camera of the touch pro, the blank points on the TV), walaaaa just changing of place the cables works alright. with stereo sound and all stuf... both pics are from the pro, on saturday ill upload other... i dont have my camera around here... again sorry for my awful english... best regards