Originally Posted by odomocos
I like this ROM. Is there anything to do for the battery drains so fast comparing with the other once that I used. I had a phone call this morning and the battery was on 26% after the call.
First thing....Gladto hear you like the ROM. NRGZ28 makes the best ROM out there..PERIOD, so you have came to a good place! WELCOME.
Second thing, go up a couple posts to the dude himself ThreeFaces post regarding his guide for this ROM. The link to the guide is in his sig. The guide is the bomb diggity for getting the EnergyROM tricked the frick out! In his guide he has several things for battery life. Lumos is your friend dude! Read the guide!
Third thing, search this thread. YES I KNOW it is over 1000 pages of beauty, BUT it with holds the ansewrs to just about any question regarding this ENERGYROM we all love!
Stay NRgized!!