Originally Posted by cmajewsk
Here's a screen shot of My Location weather - I am in Bethesda, MD and not San Pedro Sula, Honduras...I've soft reset many times. Removed all the other cities I had, and have commuted around the area and it is still picking up this location - not sure what else to do? I have been running this ROM for the past week with only some very minor issues. I hate to have to hard reset...
Ye, add your city manually. Click menu>add
Its not perfect but i can't replicate your issue.
Originally Posted by BabyEater
01 & 02 are the ones that appear correct. 03 is the one without the space between the First and Last names.
/plz don't be mad at the ROM i'm using. i'm just trying a bunch out. :P
I got my shotgun and am coming for you for not using this rom....