Re: Can you use a Bluetooth Headset to listen to the TV/Radio, etc, & which is the be
Originally Posted by santod
I'm really diggin' my new Motorokr S9-HD headphones that I just picked up today. Especially now that I have them fully figured out and working right.
They are stereo bluetooth, with WOW SRS HD. They really do have great sound, as good or better then many wired ones I've used. They are closer to $99.00 though. They have buttons for next/last track, phone voice command, volume up/down and use the same type of charger cables as the TP2, the mini US B.
Actually, this site has them right now for $53.99!!!
I just spent $99.00 at Best Buy today, but I needed them today.
I have those as well but have had many problems and am now on my third replacement set....the battery decreases its charge and after a few months only lasts about 10 min. I bought them to use at the gym (one of their selling points is using them for exercise) and found out that the warrenty does cover damage form sweating. Plus they are not that comfortable..(I have a big head).
I just bought some SBH500 (samsung) and they work and feel great. They have padded ear cups instead of the ear buds.. but I now like them better.
Last edited by searcher61; 09-24-2009 at 08:16 AM.