Originally Posted by Phil Canyon
They say I am roaming too much and are dumping me as of sep 19th. WTF? Any links on how to switch my touch to verizon until the TD2 comes out?
Unlock your phone, flash verizon stock rom(to load other files not normally in a custom rom) and then you can flash to a custom rom.
[atleast that's what I have picked up on]
Originally Posted by horndoctor
You would just have to unlock and flash a rom and install the appropriate verizon carrier cab. Then contact Verizon and tell them what you want to do and you can get on their network. Or you could go to a Verizon dealer after you flash the rom you want and they can activate it. Lots of info and roms in the Vogue Upgrades Forum.
They're really not adding other company phones on to their network anymore. You can sometimes get them to, but you have the same percent chance of winning the lottery.
Originally Posted by imdarkside
This confirms what the vzw rep told me the other day. I talked to a sprint rep who told me about the incredibly cheap (compared to vzw) data plans. Later I talked to a vzw rep who said sprint's coverage sux and that Sprint is going down fast. Course I didnt believe him but a little research indicates this is true...
Vzw rep told me that they are unlocking gps w/o vz navistupid "some time soon". Also said they may get the ibrick (ie iphone) soon. Blah blah blah. sprints demise is not a good thing. They seem to release the technology faster. vzw keeps trying to lock tech up so they can milk the $ out of it.
Iphone going to verizon has been talked about for some time now, even heard it on my local news not too long ago. I can't wait to see people's bills after their first month of having the iphone on verizon haha.
Doesn't every supplier try to milk $ out of everything though?
I mean when you buy a car, you pay extra for automatic locks, windows, etc. and I do mean extra since it's generally no more than like $20-30 each for the extra parts, and then they just pop right into the doors, and you end up paying thousands extra for all of that stuff already installed.
I'd rather them lock everything up, and mark the phones cheaper, and then they can charge the not so tech savvy people for the extra features. We'll always be able to undo any locking down of items that they do.
It's just the hardware modifications that they do that irritate me.
I'm going to stop now, I can keep going on and on about the conglomerate *******s.
Originally Posted by psycho_maniac
man that sucks. sorry but glad your coming to verizon!!! haha i will also be going to them shortly
anyways....i think this is old news because vzw just started unlocking gps on there touch pros and (somebody chip in) its already unlocked on the tp2 I THINK
It took them like 6 months to release an unlocked gps version then.
I remember everyone complaining about it. haha