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Old 09-24-2009, 01:52 AM
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Re: Alltel Touch Pro to Verizon, please help.

Just FYI, OTAP does not change all settings required for all services to work. All that OTAP does it program the MTN (your number), MIN (mobile inventory number), default SID (system ID) and PRL. As far as MIP settings, it will only change the MDN part, not the domain. It is easy enough to get a Sprint phone working on Sprints network, a bit harder to get a Sprint phone working 100% on VZW's network. I don't know why some people have such problems, specifically with data in most cases. Assuming all settings are correct, either having a tech reset DMU keys in the AAA while the battery is pulled on the device or forcing 1X to write the HA/AAA keys should work. If not the first time, within the first 3-5 attempts. I have done dozens of phones, both my own and others, and this is always the case.
"There is no such thing as a stupid question" is just as ridiculous as saying "There is no such thing as a stupid answer". This proves there are also "stupid statements". There are probably alot of "stupid ideas" too. And what do all these things have in common? Stupid people.

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