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Old 09-23-2009, 02:29 PM
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Re: trying to unlock HTC Touch to flash to Metro

Originally Posted by MikeD. View Post
hi im trying to unlock a HTC Touch on Sprint to flash over to Metro PCS. After getting my SPC number i goto ##2434# and start diag. while hooked to my comp. Phone disconnects after diag. starts and while running is not visable to my computer. Trying to port it to unlock but neither QPST or CDMA Workshop can find phone. Dose anyone know what i might be doing wrong or have any tips please let me know. Thanks.
This may help you it is a tutorial with links to the driver and tools I wrote for another user asking for help to flash to cricket you will need to change the setting from cricket to metro but it is the same for unlocking. Metro setting are different and can be easily found on this site.
cricket touch tutorial
1st off credit is due to those that wrote these programs I only take credit for putting this all together.

#1 use msl grabber to get the msl/spc code found here
install via activesync or sd card and run on ppc.

#2 unlock with the 2.31 unlocker listed here

#3 flash this sprint 6.1 ROM to update radio "WARNING DO NOT LET CUSTOMIZATION RUN" SOFT RESET WHEN IT SAYS AUTO CUSTUMIZATION IN 3 SECONDS. This is for GPS1 to work.
To do this connect USB to computer then Press power camera and Reset to get to bootloader red green yellow screen and connect to cable then run the exe file.

#4 Go to the following and download from windows drivers and unlocking tools
windows htc driver
Ryanmogul diagnostics shortcuts
download the following
Install Ryans diagnostics on ppc
Install QPST on computer
Install htc drivers on computer
Put phone into diag mode & connect to computer. computer should connect and find new device
run QPST configururation and add new port till you find your phone.
Now in QPST run from top menu start clients service programing.
Select phone
Read from phone imput spc/msl code from the grabber.
Then enter 000000 in the service programing field.
Write to phone
now while in QPST lets get your GPSone ste up for cricket.
Go to the GPS1 tab and uncheck all the boxes then recheck them.
then enter the following
pde ip address
pde port # 8080
pde transport IP
Position calculation mobile
Write to phone
close out
I would recommend now to flash a custom ROM if you do not have one send me you email and I can provide you one.
You will need a cricket PRL to load through PST setting.
Install the cricketwapmms cab
then go to this thread it will help you set up your pst setting correctly.

Do not try to open a data connection untill you have cricket service on the phone.
To authinticate your user name
you must have service.

GPS Requires priming unless you use Ryans
Credits go to ImCokeMaN for the unlocker and his great tutorial
and Ryanmogul6800 on XDA for his great software and his perfect PST setting.

Please let me know if this helped any or if I can be of any further assistance.

Last edited by whitey10tc; 09-23-2009 at 02:33 PM. Reason: spelling correction
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