Originally Posted by blackmeto
PLEASE call back and get your point across. From my experience i have come to the conclusion that customer service reps are trained to lie and shoot down anything you ask about or have hopes for. Don't believe me?
Ask to speak to a supervisor
Guaranteed you will get the "He/She's not going to tell you anything different" laugh
and then you'll be put on hold.
Then the csr WILL come back with a partial solution. Tell him you still want the supervisor.
Csr will now come back seemingly scolded and ready to do whatever you need
Try it
do not be forced to pay for a service you are not using. I have everything except vznav (garmin, amaze, google nav etc.) and have never been charged for vznav.
DON'T tell them that you're using Google Maps or whatever. Simply inform them that you've NEVER used VZ Navigator.