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Old 09-23-2009, 03:45 AM
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Re: unlock, flash and even relock your TP via the SD card!

Originally Posted by vhmike73 View Post
Okay- I'm unable to relock my Touch Pro via the SD card, and the reason I need to do this is the USB (as well as the speaker) are not working on my device. I was able to reflash back to a stock Sprint ROM, but when I try to relock via the SD Card, the screen goes gray with "Loading..." in the upper middle, and does nothing after that (it's been 10 minutes). The USB connection SEEMS to be charging the phone, but it's not connecting to my PC. Any suggestions? I'm using the relock file from post 1.

The bootloader screen says "Security Unlocked" at the top of the bars- and shows SPL-0.37.0000

This is the state I got the phone in when I got it used...and until this evening, the thing ran great. Suddenly, and without any drop or anything, the phone started flaking out, sliding the keyboard out no longer changes the screen orientation and I have no USB connectivity or speaker.

Thanks in advance.
your phone is already locked.
0.37.0000 = locked
0.37.cmonex = unlocked
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