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Old 11-10-2007, 10:32 AM
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a total rogue
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Cache folder differences

Damn, I got it to halfway work- using the methods in the software forum discussion, I used the Cache/ folder fix (I did notice that I had a extra file in the Cache/menu folder that remained, different than the cache folder that was posted by schettj- Pg #46) I then copied the three files that were missing to my Sprint tv/Cache file.

I am on the Sero plan, All the channels worked before. I have NOT loaded the Sprint Tv cab from this thread because I thought
I did that allready by reinstalling the only Sprint Tv cab that was in my main windows directory, (after accidental deletion) Is this a wrong assumtion on my part?

Now I only get those lamo 5 channels, when I used to get them all! I tried many and they seemed to all work when I first got it.

Here's my Cache specs- is mine different than someone who has all the channels?

*In my Cache/menu folder- 3 files total, 55b


*Cache/icons folder- 28.8k

*Cache/lineups folder- 951b

*Cache/channels folder- 12.2k

Last edited by a total rogue; 11-10-2007 at 10:51 AM. Reason: more pertinate info