Originally Posted by jviola
I have a question about all the battery testing that have been mentioned in this forum, are you using bluetooth and GPS? I'm a heavy bluetooth user and I like to use my GPS. How long do your batteries last using bluetooth and GPS?
Also, another question. On my phone I like to press and hold the phone button and have it activate Voice Commands. On this one the task Manager appears. I tried to switch it in the button program, but I don't see voice command in the list of programs that I can choose. Also, when I make a choose and try to leave the program it complains that I have 2 or more button assigned to the same thing, which is the "Context Menu" how to make changes and save them in this program.
Yeah I too am not a heavy gps user but I do know for a fact that this does some heavy duty drain on your battery. As far as bluetooth is involved I use bluetooth I use it all the time and it doesnt cut down the battery life too much. I just make sure I turn it off after every use. And I will post the cab for MSVC and it already has the certificate installed in the cab so no need to hunt for it.
So all you have to do is install this cab. By pass the error and go into start setting personal and buttons and you should see the send hold. Highlight it and then drop down the menu at the bottom. Find voice command and when it changes in the box above then it is saved. Just hit ok at the top right corner and test it by holding the talk button. That should do it for you.