Originally Posted by fort13
All you would need to do is extract the 0409 rar file to a folder and replace ANY folder with 0409 with the equivalent of what ever language you are cooking for. I.E. If cooking for Czech then "Base_Lang_0409_DPI_96_RESH_240_RESV_320" would need to be replaced with "Base_Lang_
Once that is completed, you will need to edit the option.xml and fix all of the DSM's for the packages listed. Most will not need changed, but some will. You may also need to edit the option.xml in the Common rar as well, as some of the items in there refer to the 0409 package. Change to the GUID of the DSM in the 0405 (or whatever lang you are cooking for). Keep the 0409 as a comparison.
Once you can run PPCKitchen without errors (i.e. missing GUID errors) then you should be clear.