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  #18708 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 10:12 AM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- [Windows Phone® 6.5] [Final]

NOTE: This is also posted on Juicy, but I am having the same issue here as well:

I have been beating myself up trying to find the "perfect" ROM and am very close with this one. One major drawback that I have found with almost each ROM that I have tried is the EzInput functionality when entering a new appointment. On almost every ROM I have tried, when entering an appointment the "space" bar at the bottom is replaed with a ".com" and a "/" as if it were entering a URL (at least when not using TF).

Now here is the strange part.... When I create a new appointment using the TF interface, life is good and the space bar appears as expected. However, if I go to Start>Calender>Menu>New Appt., then I have the ".com" and "/".

Can anyone else confirm this bug, or recommend a fix? I am a fan of Titanium, so I normally have TF turned off giving me the bad keyboard all the time. I am at a loss...