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Old 09-22-2009, 09:57 AM
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Genesis' (23016) ** | Built Sep 20th | Manila 2

Originally Posted by jviola View Post
I have a question about all the battery testing that have been mentioned in this forum, are you using bluetooth and GPS? I'm a heavy bluetooth user and I like to use my GPS. How long do your batteries last using bluetooth and GPS?

Also, another question. On my phone I like to press and hold the phone button and have it activate Voice Commands. On this one the task Manager appears. I tried to switch it in the button program, but I don't see voice command in the list of programs that I can choose. Also, when I make a choose and try to leave the program it complains that I have 2 or more button assigned to the same thing, which is the "Context Menu" how to make changes and save them in this program.

For both Bluetooth and GPS situations I'm on a car charger, so I can't really say much. Extended trips using GPS, like 6-8 hours will usually give me some headaches that are not entirely ROM-related, namely the device will eventually heat up enough to stop the USB from charging the device and will then will drain out the battery. ...more of a heads up than anything. "How long do your batteries last" will likely yield you many different responses, since situational factors come into play. ...on those long trips, for example, I know roaming may have an impact on my battery temp and drain. ...but walking up the street using GPS to find a local business or something has little impact.

Your second question I can help with. Look in the Guide in my sig, or search this thread or Google for MS Voice Command. Install the cab and ignore if it tells you it didnt install. Soft reset and look in START-SETTINGS-PERSONAL and you should now see Voice Command. Open the program to configure the settings to your taste.

In the same place - START-SETTINGS-PERSONAL go into "Buttons" where you can now set the long press of the send key to activate Voice Command.

...hope that helps some.
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