Re: Setting up email
My Yahoo account worked fine for first two weeks, but then suddenly started having errors connecting. It appears to download the headers successfully, but I then get the following message:
Cannot connect to the incoming mail server. Be certain that your login information is correct, then try again to send and receive mail.
I can assure you that my login setting are correct, as I am getting email headers in my inbox. Every message has the Message will download next time you connect and receive e-mail indicator, but Send/Receive always fails. I've tried deleting the account and setting it up again, but it almost seems like I've been blacklisted or something by Yahoo (which is BS since I actually have a Yahoo! Plus account).
I recall reading that Yahoo IMAP is really only intended for iPhone users. Is that true, and if so, does anyone know how to get past the automatic setup that seems forced upon us when donig email setup? I would actually prefer to just set up POP access, but can't seem to get to the manual configuration screens on my TP2 (I used to be able to do this on my PPC-6800).
Thanks for any suggestions!
UPDATE: I figured out that entering a bogus email domain name (e.g. will get you to the manual config screens. This solved my problem, and I was able to configure Yahoo POP mail access.
Last edited by Daboodah; 09-22-2009 at 09:24 AM.