Thanks for the quick reply.
Originally Posted by orlandojumpoff
try opera mobile 9.7 beta... the stock one is OM 9.5.
How would I try this out? I've installed a couple of new programs (Epocrates, Google Maps), and that's straight-forward. But how do I replace an existing program (especially with a Beta) - does one replace the other, do I have both, etc.?
Originally Posted by orlandojumpoff
i don't like touchflo either because i feel 2.1 is missing key features. the today screen to me is dated. you can try mobile shell 3 as a UI replacement. it's kind of like the hero sense ui in that you can have several homescreens with shortcuts to all your favorite progs. there are other uis like pointui, throttlelauncher and more.
Thanks for the suggestions. Guess I'll have to do some digging here...
Originally Posted by orlandojumpoff
I find the tp2 screen to be responsive by the way... maybe you have big fingers?
No I don't. I don't mind using the stylus (TX required it), but that's no better. I wonder if my device has a hardware issue of its own.
What about the Ringtone/Wallpaper issue? Am I missing something, or is that really the way it is?? If so, that is incredibly poorly designed.