Let me try and help others
Let me show you how i got it to work
1. Downloaded Flashlite 2.1
2. Unzip Flo on Phone and download cab on phone
3. Unzip Cube on PC to get SCLPF folder
4. Reset Phone
4. Click on FTouchfloconfig text file in SCPLF folder on PC.
5. Open and Edit version 1-41 to 1-50 in notepad. Then save
6. Take SCLPF folder from Cube on Pc, copy entire SCLPF folder from PC and paste to Program files on phone.
7. Copy Ftouchfloconfig on either PC or Phone and paste it in /program files/ftouchflo folder on phone.
8. Copy Ftouchflo exe(white box) and paste in /window/startup on phone
9. Reset phone and test scrolling from between the 2 soft keys to the middle of the touchscreen pad. If it work move on if it dont try again or go back to try and do it the original way
Now thats just putting it on the phone
Now I will show a way to customize it using just file explorer
1. open file explorer in phone
2. go to /windows on phone and copy your favorite music/video player and photo album exe and right click in Sclpf/music link folder and MAKE sure you create shortcut instead of paste ( I renamed Sirius CE for Music, New HTC touch Album for Photos & Sprint TV for videos on my 6800 mogul)
3. Rename it Music,Photos, or Videos depending on which progam you want it to work for
4. Do the same for Internet , calendar, and tasks in the Main menu Links
Now it time for me to tackle with the photo contacts and contact section.
Hope this help