When you say "delete partnership" and "create new partnership"......do you mean in activesync on the computer or on the PPC device. I did a hard reset so there isnt anything on the device from before. How do I delete a partnership from activesync on the computer.....or do I need to? I have checked every setting I can think of and it seems right. I have a linksys bluetooth adapter that I installed to see if I could sync that way. Both the computer and my Mogul detected each other and the only com port that it would take on my Mogul during setup was com 2. I set activesync to be able to sync on com 2 as well but never could get the darn thing to work.
Oh well......waddaya gonna do? Looks like I'm screwed.....I cant even get the active sync screen to open up. I get an hour glass for a second and then nothing....uuuggghh.
Last edited by sprintmogulfan; 11-09-2007 at 09:18 PM.